Monday, February 20, 2012



What reminds us that we are not alone, when we know we are eternal? 

I felt this might be an interesting beginning to this new blog. I am a writer, but as a rule never wished to venture into the realm of the blog for many reasons.  The medium holds many contradictions which simply came to me in the form of where do my words and my reverence for privacy conflict?  It is a valid stumbling block, and I must admit a rather silly one at that.  That idea stretches over that of reticence, comfort in privacy and, I sense in many, an unnaturally imposed and constructed barrier by the eminent domain of all that is designed and seeks to limit true human potential.  

We call them many things.  One umbrella word which blocks the minds of many is the term institution. Interestingly enough the walls of mind these non-corporeal temples of imaginary authority spend is almost infinite in resources which are being constructed continually, yet most seem to accept without question.   

Why are vast resources ultimately committed to the maintenance of this unending veil?  

A sense of surface indignation is there, but little in the way of examination and identifying the malevolent reasons why such energy is expended to get most to say, ‘Well, that is the way it is.’  But it is not. That acceptance does foster yet another fear in the lexicon of the caged and diverted mind.  This fear is that words, or auditory deeds, of just one individual does carry amazing power – the power of the responsibility in knowing a simple utterance of Truth can create change.  

Always be aware that within all change that is not yet manifested comes another great source of externally instilled fear.  Who was I, one who fears virtually nothing, to remain in accordance with silence against my birthright to speak and freely express? In the following entries I most sincerely hope to raise questions that I know others are wishing to hear discussed and expressed among themselves and others.  

The current speed, direction, and seemingly insurmountable complexities of current day existence demands this within us all, both in our personal lives of accountability to what is True and Just within us. This extends to our most real sense of decency and responsibility to that of our fellow sentient beings – first and foremost other humans, and the very real earth we tread upon and often unnoticed the amazing and pure bounty it offers.  

If this burgeoning understanding about our most real nature is due to anything, it is due to the rapid expansion of our unfettered global voice in the form of the material reflection of our need to communicate and share called the Internet, or World Wide Web. We have always had this among us, yet not in the form of IPIP technology, fiber-optic conduits, generationally advanced switching, server banks and farms, and all the ground and space-based technology we created originally from an imposed continuation of a cold war fear to duplicate it all.  

But as we were blinded to the immaterial by the carefully wrought architectural designs of our current perceived material reality, the ‘natural net’ remained the bandwidth of all bandwidth’s that went underutilized with the exception of the intact indigenous tribes, the Shamans, the Seers, Gnostics, and others; those of our natural birthright who show us in essence the ability to know of Truth.  

This is not a time of the one who chooses to say and do nothing, as each and every one of us possesses the divinity, the spark, Divine Providence within to be that very angel in each others lives no matter how seemingly small and insignificant it may be judged to be by the individual.  This is another ingrained response which must be seen for what it is.  That is why I opened this introductory post with the line: 

’What reminds us that we are not alone, when we all know we are eternal?’ 

One learned and wise friend answered, “The knowledge of our gift of perpetuity.”  It seems quite obvious.  Existence itself has been, and always will be, all the justification to know that all is for a purpose, all has just cause behind it, and all is as it should be – no matter how horrible the reaction may make certain situations appear within the single mind.  

A person who is full of fire to change injustice is exactly where and doing what they should be at any given time in this global dream-dance, this earthly delusion. While others may be engaged in the pursuit to co-create something greater than themselves, be it a child (the highest), or work of sensual and artistic creation that may bring respite to others with the same intention as the aforementioned.  

To give an example of how the human collective mind has been diverted, or hacked if you will, it is through the written and auditory means by which we communicate – language.  

Why is it that indigenous Alaskan tribes have over thirty words to describe the many facets and aspects of snow?  

Yet we, with all of our seemingly limitless capacity to imagine, ability to manifest almost virtually all we can envisage in the material realm have but one term which runs the spectrum of a word which should have many more than just thirty or so clarifications without having to qualify it with other less utilized words – Love.  

This is most effectively done by design, so that most are led to the sense of need when exposing this word to within for personal relevance to a perception.  You may extrapolate this further.  This was simply an observation posited to foreshadow the myriad of concepts that will be covered in the writings of this blog for future reference.   Many brilliant and lucid minds will come into play, from a quotient of conferring to contributions.

I am not here to preach, to tell anyone what to think, how to think, or even why to think.  I choose simply to post interpretations that hopefully will bring with them the desire in others to go deeper within to find the nature of the unfettered and quiet Truth of the reality that surrounds.  This begins with us; the most subdivided, farmed, and fed upon creature we know – the human being.  It all begins with knowledge of the self, which leads to the knowledge all.  

This is not something to fear.  This is what and who we are when the repetitious dogmatic din of media and words better left unspoken are stripped away, beliefs from ages which are not eternal by their nature that are artificially pumped with life into the perceptions of many, and the lower nature of mankind is cultivated rather than taken from the root and turned into a more useful paper. 

We are the prophets, demons, angels, destroyers, saviors, givers and takers in each other’s lives. 

Peace and purpose be with you!

©  Brian Simonetti 2012

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